Deploy DingoDB Cluster By Ansible

DingoDB is a real-time Hybrid Serving & Analytical Processing (HSAP) Database. It can execute high-frequency queries and upsert, interactive analysis, multi-dimensional analysis in extremely low latency. To achieve high concurrency and high throughput, DingoDB uses an elastic distributed deployment mode.

In order to simplify the deployment, this project introduces the deployment of DingoDB using ansible.

1. Cluster Mode

Cluster Topology

The roles in the cluster are mainly divided into:

  • Coordinator

    Coordinator act as the master of the cluster. It is responsible for the management and scheduler of data replications of DingoDB cluster.

  • Store

    Store act as the storage of the cluster, It is responsible for managing the entire storage

  • Executor

    Executor act as the worker of the cluster. It is responsible for executing the physical execution plan of SQL to scan and compute the data.

  • Driver-MySQL/Driver-Dingo

    DingoDB uses JDBC driver to perform table-level data operations, such as create, insert, update, delete, etc. Driver Proxy act as the proxy of JDBC Connection.

1.1 Installation prerequisites

  • Version of OS

    CentOS 8.x.

  • Repository of Yum works fine

    The repository will be used to install basic tools needed by the cluster, such as python3.

  • Ansible Host

    A host installed with ansible is required to distribute cluster configuration and related software modules about DingoDB. This machine can also be replaced by one node in DingoDB cluster such as Store-1 or Coordinator-1.

1.2 Deployment Guidelines

In the cluster mode, ansible is selected as the deployment tools. You can use this guide to install a DingoDB cluster.

1.2.1 Install Steps

You can follow this guide to install a dingo cluster: asciicast

1.2.2 Installation Notes

  1. define cluster configuration

Edit the configuration inventory/hosts, use the real host, user, password to replace the item.



# store_num=2
# store_num=2 disk='/home/sd1 /home/sd2'



  1. Check Python3 is installed

Check Python3 is installed or not on DingoDB cluster, if Python3 is not installed, We can use ansible to install Python3 using such command.

ansible all_nodes --become -m raw -a "yum install -y python3" -i ansible_hosts
  1. Start to install

  • Copy artifacts

1. artifacts/jdk-8u171-linux-x64.tar.gz
2. artifacts/
3. artifacts/dingo-store.tar.gz
  • Executor ansible script

 ansible-playbook playbook.yml